While Mustang and Bradley were having a small chat, Jerso got wounded from behind and guess who attacked him, it was Pride and their plan is to get Mustang to perform human transmutation so they forced him to do it even if it is against ...
On Greed's recommendation, Olivier, Jerso, Sig, and the other Brigg soldiers stay behind while the others head up towards the surface. After Alex's group leaves, Olivier sits down near Wrath's body after remembering that Buccaneer had ... there was a crack about to run right through his blood seal killing him, so i guess he wanted to be useful before that happened. I really really hope fma has a happy ending! By the way glad your back and i hope you had a great vacation ...
ammettiamo che nel New-Jersie trovino la cura per il Morbo di Canavan, per noi cosa cambia? Ammettiamo pure che si apra una prospettiva di cura, raccogliamo 28 milioni di dollari per andarci? Come vedi, non " penso male" penso solo che se ci ...... Mi chiamo Francesco, ho diciannove anni e abito a Genova (ti sono anche venuto a vedere a Piazza Matteotti quest'estate), e stimo moltissimo la tua forza, la tua intraprendenza ed anche il tuo saper tornare sui tuoi passi, ...